understanding your camera - the manual

Now releasing the exclusive hand held magic and super power review from the moms who shoot class by ©max grey.
The manual.
This manual gives you the beautiful basics of what I teach and apply in my classes.
Here it is. In your hands.
Shooting examples, definitions, applications, and room for notes. I know I know, it is too pretty to write in it. It's ok! It was born to be your guide, and hold all the amazingness you need to progress your camera skills further.
Throw it in your purse, brief case (people still use those, right?), or just leave it on your desk or bed side table, and reference it as needed!
PLEASE NOTE: This manual is for beginner - intermediate shooters. This manual merely breaks the surface and foundation to creating beautifully powerful images. It is a fantastic start to your journey.
if you are starting to explore the wonderful world of shooting in manual mode, this manual is for you.
**this is in no way a replacement to instructional classes taught by max.**